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Staying Home For The Holidays - Virtual Benefit for Trinity Place Shelter NYC

The Catalyst Team at Compass presents this holiday fundraising benefit for Trinity Place Shelter. Rachel will be performing alongside celebrity guests!


About Trinity Place Shelter:

Trinity Place Shelter is a non-sectarian, 10-bed transitional shelter that provides LGBTQ youth and young adults with a safe place to sleep, shower, eat, and store belongings. They provide individual and group counseling, independent living supportive services, and access to transportation. They also provide case management, education, career counseling, access to comprehensive health services, art classes, and mental health services utilizing community partnerships. Trinity Place Shelter's goal is to provide homeless LGBTQ youth with the basic support, shelter and skills necessary to make the transition to independent living, and to make a positive difference for as many as possible in the midst of this crisis. More info here:

November 1

Shalom Ya'll (Virtual) Food Festival, Congregation Mickve Israel

January 27

Ludmilla - Zoom Reading of AN OPERA FOR TEREZIN